Journal Articles

O’Brien J1976Sectarianism in the NSW elections of 1843 and 1856. Journal of Religious History 9(1): 74-84.
O’Brien J1993The collective organisation of Australian academic staff, 1949-1983. Journal of Industrial Relations 35(2): 195 – 220.
O’Brien J1994McKinsey, Hilmer and the BCA: The “new management’ of labour 
market reform. Journal of Industrial Relations 36(4): 468 – 490. https://10.1177/002218569403600402.
O’Brien J and Hort L1998The state of state employment. Australian Journal of Public Administration 57(2), 46 – 48. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8500.1998.tb01382.x.
O’Brien J1999Union strategy and union democracy in a decentralised industrial relations environment: The case of the National Tertiary Education Union. Labour & Industry 9(3):79-97. https:/10.1080/10301763.1999.10669201.
Fairbrother P and O’Brien J2000Introduction: Changing public sector industrial relations in the Australian state. Australian Journal of Public Administration 59(4), 54 – 58. DOI:10.1111/1467-8500.00181.
O’Brien J and Fairbrother P2000A changing public sector: Developments at the Commonwealth level. Australian Journal of Public Administration 59(4), 59-66.DOI: 10.1111/1467-8500.00182.
Bray M, LeQueux S and O’Brien J2001Australie Le patronat à l’abordage : récit d’un Bounty. Chronique Internationale de l’IRES 72, 1-10.
O’Brien J and O’Donnell M2002Towards a new public unitarism: Employment and industrial relations in the Australian Public Service. The Economic and Labour Relations Review 13(1), 60-87. DOI:10.1177/103530460201300104.
O’Brien J and O’Donnell M2002Individualism, union organisation And management Prerogatives In the Australian Public Service 1983–2000. Labour & Industry12(3), 103-122. DOI:10.1080/10301763.2002.10722026.
O’Brien J and O’Donnell M2008Retrospect and prospect for collective regulation in the Australian Public Service.Journal of Industrial Relations 50(4), 630-645.
Junor A, O’Brien J and O’Donnell M2009Welfare wars: Public service frontline absenteeism as collective resistance. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management6(1&2), 26-40.
O’Donnell M and O’Brien J2011New public management and employment relations in the public services of Australia and New Zealand. International Journal of Human Resource Management 22(11), 2367-2383.